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Have you eaten at Olivier at the Chequers?

Fullers Road, Aston Tirrold, OX11 9EN

What the Newspaper Critics are saying

The Daily Telegraph

William Sitwell visited a “gastropub with a French leaning” run by chef Olivier Bouet and his wife Stephanie, who were rescued from closure a couple of years ago by a group of investors: apparently Bouet, “for reasons of total clarification, wanted it called ‘Olivier is still at The Chequers’.” 

Among the investors is Tim Henman, reports William, and “a little bird tells me that his non-tennis obsession is wine. So I’ll credit him with one of the greatest assets of this place. It has a seriously wonderful wine list, being both full of gems and fabulously affordable.”

The food was a pretty good match, ranging from breaded pig’s trotter and homemade pasta with spinach and mushroom to a “delectable chestnut and chocolate cake with toffee sauce”, while staff were “collectively, utterly charming in that sort of natural, professional way that can’t be taught”.  

William Sitwell - 2024-10-13
Fullers Road, Aston Tirrold, OX11 9EN

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