Harden's says

Plant-based Leith restaurant, sibling to the Aberdeen original.

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Have you eaten at Foodstory?

127 Easter Road, Edinburgh, EH7 5PP

What the Newspaper Critics are saying

The Times

Chitra Ramaswamy was in Edinburgh considering the meteoric rise of veganism while eating at plant-based Leith restaurant Foodstory, which is a new sibling of the Aberdeen original.

It’s “a lovely welcoming café wrapped around a corner where others have failed to stick”; inside it’s “all giant paper lampshades, clean white interiors and a diverse clientele with tiny dogs”.

They produced a “solid vegan spin-off” of a BLT, and there were a few disappointments but “local independent cafés such as Foodstory are a vital force in the movement… I love what this vibey, upbeat BYOC café stands for”. (21/30)

Chitra Ramaswamy - 2023-07-24
127 Easter Road, Edinburgh, EH7 5PP

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