Huxley Lane, Huxley, CH3 9BG

Owner's description

A Family Vision

The Inn at Huxley is situated in the quaint village of Huxley, near Chester, West Cheshire and was lovingly built, over many years, by the Lees family. It opened its doors in 2019.

It's location benefits from far-reaching views that stretch across to the Welsh hills and the rolling Cheshire countryside where not one but two ancient castles sit atop hills and the River Gowey meanders through the picturesque landscape.

The new inn sits on the site of an old coaching inn (circa 1766) and has been completely rebuilt to exacting standards. Its interior, with its oak beams and stone floors, resonates with luxury and warmth.

Stunning hand-carved fixtures include a centrepiece stone fireplace, cheese trolley and bar furniture crafted by Mouseman®. Bespoke stained glass, picturing the original inn and locally commissioned artwork, adorn our restaurant walls. 

Every element of this beautiful building has been given the utmost consideration to deliver a memorable dining and drinking experience for all guests.


Availability 2 courses 3 courses coffee included service included
SundayLunch £32.00 £36.00

Traditional European menu

Starter Main Veggies Pudding
£10.00 £20.00 £5.00 £8.00
Wine per bottle £22.00
Filter Coffee £4.00
Bread £6.00

Restaurant details

Highchair, Menu

The Inn At Huxley Restaurant Diner Reviews

Reviews of The Inn At Huxley Restaurant in CH3, Huxley by users of Also see the editors review of The Inn At Huxley restaurant.
Sharon S
Since we discovered The Inn at Huxley, we h...
Reviewed 4 months, 12 days ago

"Since we discovered The Inn at Huxley, we havent been anywhere else for Sunday lunch , the food is excellent as is the service, and quality of the decor is second to none. Tucked away in the middle of the Cheshire countryside, it deserves to be found by locals and visitors alike. Anyone visiting nearby Chester, i urge you to find the Inn at Huxley. We have been on many occasions , not just for sunday lunch , but also the fish and chips on Friday evenings. I can say with certainty you wont be dissapointed."

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Huxley Lane, Huxley, CH3 9BG
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Opening hours
Wednesday12 ‑22
Thursday12 ‑22

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