RestaurantsLondonTower HamletsE9

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For 33 years we've been curating reviews of the UK's most notable restaurant. In a typical year, diners submit over 50,000 reviews to create the most authoritative restaurant guide in the UK. Each year, the guide is re-written from scratch based on this survey (although for the 2021 edition, reviews are little changed from 2020 as no survey could run for that year).

Have you eaten at Lucia's?

43 White Post Lane, London, E9 5EN

Lucia's Restaurant Diner Reviews

Reviews of Lucia's Restaurant in E9, London by users of Also see the editors review of Lucia's restaurant.
Agnese Z
ASK FOR RECEIPT! They (tried to) scam us! ...
Reviewed 1 months, 15 days ago

"ASK FOR RECEIPT! They (tried to) scam us! After a delicious dinner, me and my other two friends asked for the bill, to which the waitress responded with the card machine asking for 49.13£ each. I paid without even thinking, but when my friend asked for the receipt the waitress said “we don’t do receipts”. Okay... We asked for any kind of written breakdown so we could see what we paid for, and here's where it got truly embarassing (for them, not us): she grabbed the menu and started adding up the bill. I mean, how did you come up with that 49.13£ in the first place? And the .13 lmaooo! Turns out we should've paid 45£, so they were basically ripping 15£ from us just because. After a long and painfully awkward 30 minutes (they said they’d reimbursed us but the card number shown on the machine didn’t match any of ours, so they finally had to dig up cash when we insisted), well I think we turned into ghosts because no one in the kitchen seemed to have the courage to look in our direction. They were all just standing in front of us avoiding eye contact. Even the chef, who’d been laughing and chatting with us a moment before, just stood there in front of us pretending nothing was happening. No one apologized, no one thought to offer us a drink or dessert. I don’t know if these people are a scam or just not very smart (probably both), but if you want to eat here always ask for a receipt! You’ll love the food, though ????"

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What the Newspaper Critics are saying

Evening Standard

Jimi Famurewa brushed aside the social-media hype attending so many launches to draw attention to a new Mexican spot in east London whose Instagram account has yet to post a single image. “Lucia’s is a diminutive, counter-focused shrine to tacos, mezcal and charcoal-fired cuts of meat possessed of an understatedness that feels almost transgressive.”

Was this refusal to play the game just another PR pose? Jimi thinks not: “Founder Jo Kurdi, who also runs nearby Cafe Mai, has created that rarest of things: a truly under-the-radar find that thrums with cool, craft and an invigorating purity of purpose.”

As for the food, all was excellent – grilled vegetables “breathy with smoke”, black bean and sweet potato tostada with real depth, tacos with “tender, spiced lobes of monkfish” and “soft, succulent beef barbacoa”, and a “gorgeously rare-cooked bone-in pork chop” with vibrant salsas.

As for social media – well, it might even go viral now.

Jimi Famurewa - 2024-07-21
43 White Post Lane, London, E9 5EN

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