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Our reviews are based on an annual survey of ordinary diners which runs in Spring each year. But this establishment has not yet gathered enough feedback for our editors to write it up.

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For 33 years we've been curating reviews of the UK's most notable restaurant. In a typical year, diners submit over 50,000 reviews to create the most authoritative restaurant guide in the UK. Each year, the guide is re-written from scratch based on this survey (although for the 2021 edition, reviews are little changed from 2020 as no survey could run for that year).

Have you eaten at Home Kitchen?

130 Regent\'s Park Road, London, NW1 8XL

What the Newspaper Critics are saying

The Daily Telegraph

William Sitwell did his level best to be generous to this laudable charitable enterprise which recruits staff from the “homeless community”, but he could not disguise his disappointment at the meanness of his meal.

Set in the “pleasant surroundings” of Primrose Hill, the restaurant is “sweet, sensible and conformist with buckets of warm conviviality”, and serves “safe and respectable brasserie fare” – “it defines itself as fine dining but, frankly, it’s not”.

This might be quite acceptable, especially as the food was all perfectly cooked and tasty, but William’s main dish of chicken “took me about three seconds to eat”. “For the place to really thrive it needs a little more oomph, more zest, more thrills and spills, more thrust and a bit more food… big sides of charred veg, bowls of steaming soup, big fat puds and gaudy chunks of cheese. A feast that befits its splendid cause.”

William Sitwell - 2024-11-24
130 Regent\'s Park Road, London, NW1 8XL

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