Indian Restaurants in Vauxhall
Kennington Tandoori
Indian restaurant in Kennington
313 Kennington Rd - SE11
Celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2025, this well-established fixture serves “decent food that’s just a little smarter than average”. It has attracted plenty of useful publicity over the years thanks to high-profile patronage by politicians from both sides of nearby Parliament (Brown, Prescott, Cameron, BoJo), who refer to it as ‘the KT’. Keen Westminster-watchers will be interested to note how many newbie MPs beat a path to its door this year...
Indian restaurant in Kennington
347 Kennington Rd - SE11
This “enjoyable” if “typical local curry house” in Kennington was opened by Zalal Uddin in 1982 and is still family-owned. It makes the most of its proximity to the Oval – offering “very good service in trying, post-cricket, circumstances” – and to Parliament, which makes it a “good bet for MP-spotting”.
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