We’ve teamed up with the good people of Twizoo to announce the top 5 trending restaurants on Twitter each week in London. Twizoo is an app that gives restaurant recommendations based on what people are saying on Twitter, and analyses over 50,000 incoming tweets per week to determine which restaurants are attracting the most buzz.
Trending Restaurants 24-30 September 2015
The Palomar @palomarsoho
Check it out on Twizoo: http://twizoo.com/r/R295217/the-palomar/
Still thinking about dinner last night @palomarsoho insanely amazing flavours I want to go back and try everything!
— Melanie Wright (@melwright86) September 30, 2015
Fab birthday dinner @palomarsoho. Octo-hummous with Jerusalem Mess for pudding. Definitely lived up to the hype. pic.twitter.com/hPjVGBZeNv
— Holly (@hollywhobakes) September 24, 2015
Ember Yard @EmberYard
Check it out on Twizoo: http://twizoo.com/r/R295082/ember-yard/
Loved last night’s special one-off dinner at @EmberYard, hosted by @cinnamonclub‘s @chefviveksingh! 
#Food #Luxury pic.twitter.com/Plucu9wze9
— We The Food Snobs (@WeTheFoodSnobs) September 29, 2015
Enjoyed some great delicate and interesting flavours and spicy dishes by @chefviveksingh takeover tonight @EmberYard #soho #monday
— Christine Chung (@chrissycchung) September 28, 2015
Duck and Waffle @DuckandWaffle
Check it out on Twizoo: http://twizoo.com/r/R131056/duck-and-waffle/
Not a bad way to start the day. Duck and waffle
— Ryan Eckhard☮⚒ (@STR512) September 30, 2015
Breakfast in the clouds today #duckandwaffle pic.twitter.com/38EDHwspgi
— Corina Esquivel (@CorinaEsquivel) September 28, 2015
Andina @AndinaLondon
Check it out on Twizoo: http://twizoo.com/r/R295208/andina/
Lunchtime with @AndinaLondon at @farehealthy – Make mine a quinoa burger
#farehealthy #hbloggers pic.twitter.com/9lTbNkrpdo
— Cantara (@GymbagsGladrags) September 27, 2015
Ridiculously good sea bass ceviche from @AndinaLondon at @farehealthy today 

— Bryony (@bpbp) September 27, 2015
Galvin at Windows @GalvinatWindows
Check it out on Twizoo: http://twizoo.com/r/R099834/galvin-at-windows/
Outstanding meal yesterday @GalvinatWindows the best service I have had in a long time #exceptional #service pic.twitter.com/Z6XMBpR217
— Marc Goddard (@goddardmarc) September 28, 2015
Amazing time @GalvinatWindows celebrating my birthday #spoilt #birthday #BestTimeEver #husband pic.twitter.com/OH4pBMmGDx
— mrsb2011 (@hannahbird6) September 28, 2015
Twizoo’s Techies Explain…
You’ve probably noticed on Twitter on the left hand side of your ‘Home’ page there’s a ‘Trends’ list. Twizoo has built the same thing, but solely for London restaurants. Our number crunching detects the rate of change of influential mentions on Twitter. For example, ‘Christmas’ is currently trending on Twitter, which means there’s been a spike of mentioning Christmas now compared with the rest of the year.
Applying this to Twizoo’s algorithms: if X restaurant usually gets on average 10 tweets per week, but this week it gets 32 tweets… that’s a pretty big change, so it’s a good indicator something notable is going on. The algorithm notes restaurants that have the highest rate of change and ranks them based on which places’ tweets are the most positive collectively and then it takes the top of those based on how influential the individuals are who tweeted. Simple see?
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