Chefs launch campaign to protect the planet

Top chefs including Asma Khan (pictured), Raymond Blanc, Phil Howard and Thomasina Miers have thrown their weight behind a new international campaign to encourage sustainable eating.

Launching next week, One Planet Plates aims to serve 5 million sustainable meals this year through more than 2,000 participating restaurants of every type. The website lists restaurants taking part, while also displaying recipes donated by chefs to follow at home.

To qualify as a “One Planet Plate”, a dish has to be locally sourced from a non-intensive farm; involve no food waste; include more vegetables and/or sustainably sourced seafood, and have a low carbon footprint.

Raymond Blanc, chef-patron of Le Manoir aux Quat’Saisons and president of the Sustainable Restaurant Association, said: “What we eat has such a huge impact on our precious planet. The next time you eat out, use the fantastic One Planet Plate website to find hundreds of truly delicious dishes to enjoy that won’t cost the earth. We only have one planet, so every dish that we serve in our restaurants must be designed to respect and protect it. Our future depends on it.”  

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