To open or close? Euro final dilemma for restaurants

Football fans planning to watch the Euros final away from home should book ahead – and check whether their chosen venue will be open.

Pubs and restaurants showing England v Holland live on Sunday night expect to be packed to the rafters – but many restaurants will be closing early to give their staff an evening off to watch (and perhaps avoid the crowds).

Among the chains, Richard Caring is closing all branches of Bill’s and most of The Ivy at 7pm, while Megan’s is closing all branches except Clapham Common Terrace, where the game will be televised. In contrast, Gaucho steakhouses in Piccadilly and Richmond have opted to show the match.

Smaller independents are split along similar lines, with some showing the game and others closing. In Swindon, for instance, Fabio’s Italian restaurant in the Old Town is taking the closing option, with a spokesman happy to switch national allegiance for the evening.

Why? Because England is in the Euro 2024 final! Forza Inghilterra! C’mon England, let’s do this!

UKHospitality chief executive Kate Nicholls says pubs and restaurants showing the game expect to share in a massive boost that will see 17million extra pints of beer poured, with licences extended to 1am.

She said: “The Euros final this Sunday will be a momentous day for the country and our nation’s pubs and bars, which are set to see a sales boost of £120 million. Pubs will be packed to the rafters with fans cheering on the Three Lions and creating an unrivalled atmosphere, outside of being at the game in Berlin.”

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