Sustainable supper toolkit

Host a sustainable supper in your restaurant this June! To mark Great Big Green Week, London Climate Action Week and Grow Urban Festival, The Sustainable Restaurant Association is encouraging UK restaurants to host sustainable suppers in June. They’ve even created a free toolkit packed with essential tips on how to do so! 

What is Great Big Green Week?

Great Big Green Week is the UK’s biggest celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. Every year, people come together to unleash a wave of support for action to protect the planet. In 2024, the event will run from June 8th to 16th under the theme “Let’s swap together for good.” Whether it’s neighbours exchanging skills at repair cafés or allotments, businesses trading fossil fuels for solar panels, or friends swapping fast fashion for second-hand finds, every swap contributes to a significant difference.

At the same time, Grow Urban Festival will host a week-long series of events throughout London promoting ‘Greening and Growing’. Through workshops, demonstrations, site visits and networking, the festival aims to empower and educate individuals and encourage sustainable living and city greening.

Why get involved?

There are numerous ways your business can benefit from running a sustainable supper event. By participating, you can:

• Engage with your existing customer base and introduce your restaurant to a new audience. 

• Showcase your own sustainability commitments and achievements.

• Test-run new menu or dish ideas with a lower impact and receive valuable feedback.

• Boost your social media following and engagement. 

• Create an opportunity to engage with local press during a time when there will be an increased spotlight on sustainability in London and nationwide.

• Benefit from collaborative promotional efforts with The SRA, Great Big Green Week and the GROW Urban Festival. 

• Engage your staff in discussions about sustainability, boosting motivation when it comes to reducing your environmental impact going forward.

• Connect with your community.

• Enjoy the financial benefits of running a special, ticketed event – particularly if you choose to host it on an evening when your restaurant is typically quiet or even closed, like a Monday or Tuesday. 

When and where is it taking place?

This June! With the Great Big Green Week and Grow Urban Festival running from 8th to 16th June and London Climate Action Week taking place from 22nd to 30th, this is a great time to get involved and showcase your restaurant’s dedication to sustainable operations.

We’re encouraging restaurants across the UK to sign up to Great Big Green Week and host a sustainable supper. For businesses in London, your event can also form part of the Grow Urban Festival.

We’ve pulled together some tips to help – download your free sustainable supper toolkit at the link below.


What are the next steps?

Once you’ve downloaded your toolkit, here’s how to get started:

• If you’re considering planning a Sustainable Supper this June, let us know at! We’ll support your event on our social channels.

• If you need help with your communications, we can provide branded assets, a statement about our involvement and insights into our mission. You can also host independently using our tips, and we’ll assist in promoting.

• We’ll also share your event with Grow Urban Festival. Find all the events organised on their portal, which will also be posted on their Instagram.

• For more support, sign up for Great Big Green Week and grab their marketing pack HERE. Add your supper as an event on the GBGW website for extra visibility – thousands of people go to the website every year on the hunt for sustainable events to attend.

• Keep us in the loop: tag us on social media posts @foodmadegood and @growurbanfestival_london, and let’s spread the word together!

Find The Sustainable Restaurant Association on Instagram and Linkedin and sign up to our newsletter for more updates, events and insights. 

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