Harden’s have 5 copies of THE INSTANT COFFEE SHOP: HOW TO OPEN A CAFÉ IN A WEEK to give away to the first 5 readers to respond. Please send your name and address to editorial@hardens.com.
Part how-to book, part memoir and part overview of the global coffee-shop boom, The Instant Coffee Shop tells you all you need to know (and more that you might never have considered) about the nuts and bolts of opening a modern independent.
You’ll learn how to make coffee, of course, but also how to approach your food offer, how to design and kit out your shop on a budget, how to train staff and handle your paperwork, how to balance the needs of takeaway vs eat-in and leisure customers vs working freelancers, how to develop a social media presence and how to create a large pool of regulars.
Darcy Millar is the founder of Darcy’s Kaffe in Norrebro, Copenhagen’s first multi-roaster independent coffee shop, and has opened branches on four sites in the past five years. Born in London, he discovered the joy of good coffee while travelling in New Zealand and supported himself as a masters student in Copenhagen by working as a barista in some of the city’s best cafés.

On graduation, he lasted six weeks in an office job before quitting to follow his dream, launching the first Darcy’s Kaffe with zero budget, working solo in a basement. His new book tells you how he did it.
The Instant Coffee Shop is published by Palazzo Editions, at £14.99 RRP.

If you don’t manage to win one of our prize copies, you can order The Instant Coffee Shop here: uk.bookshop.org/p/books/the-instant-coffee-shop-how-to-open-a-cafe-in-a-week-darcy-millar/7546593