We’ve teamed up with the good people of Twizoo to announce the top 5 trending restaurants on Twitter each week in London. Twizoo is an app that gives restaurant recommendations based on what people are saying on Twitter, and analyses over 50,000 incoming tweets per week to determine which restaurants are attracting the most buzz.
Trending Restaurants 17-23 March 2016
Sosharu @SosharuLondon
Check it out on Twizoo: http://twizoo.com/r/R528971/Sosharu/
Amazing new restaurant in Farringdon #London @SosharuLondon pic.twitter.com/7Mbj9vIUTB
— AliceDavidson (@AliceDavidson1) March 23, 2016
@SosharuLondon is the hottest table in Londontown. Food is excellent and decor is sharp and buzzy. #foodie pic.twitter.com/7ov3yxddaZ
— Sunaina London (@SunainaLondon) March 20, 2016
Dickie Fitz @Dickie_Fitz
Check it out on Twizoo: http://twizoo.com/r/R528870/Dickie-Fitz/
These ribs were a firm favourite last night at @Dickie_Fitz #foodporn pic.twitter.com/cbFMddzLmG
— Angie Silver (@SilverSpoonLDN) March 23, 2016
The weekends are made for #brunch dates & this yellow gem is the perfect Spring venue
@Dickie_Fitz pic.twitter.com/ah8xPKt59L
— Sally Stubbings (@SallyStubbings) March 19, 2016
Tiny Leaf @TinyLeafLondon
Check it out on Twizoo: http://twizoo.com/r/R528963/Tiny-Leaf/
After trying the whole menu
I can vouch 100% for @TinyLeafLondon -totally recommended @GrownWithLove #vegheaven pic.twitter.com/uh83ecNTzp
— Sophie Bambridge (@sophb1983) March 22, 2016
Feeling virtuous on a Monday @TinyLeafLondon #organic #zerowaste #veggie pic.twitter.com/ohRTq0YiTk
— Sadie (@Sadierose92) March 21, 2016
Wringer & Mangle @Wringer_Mangle
Check it out on Twizoo: http://twizoo.com/r/R324478/Wringer-and-Mangle/
Lunch on Saturday at new Hackney favourite @Wringer_Mangle pic.twitter.com/rLT7Q9kY9U
— Hungry Hackney (@Hungry_hackney) March 21, 2016
.@wringer_mangle bring East London’s most colourful chefs together to inject some exciting food into our lives.. https://t.co/tedTWBzKrE
— Krista Madden (@Beautyanthedirt) March 17, 2016
Murano @MuranoLondon
Check it out on Twizoo: http://twizoo.com/r/R055580/Murano/
@MuranoLondon @AngelaHartnett amazing food and service tonight. The sweetbreads was to die for. What a dish
#1Star pic.twitter.com/j15O1EgwOs
— Dean Harper (@DeanTheChef) March 23, 2016
Double birthday celebration, mine and wife’s, with the whole family. Great food ! Thanks @MuranoLondon & @PipLacey pic.twitter.com/lWqZ1ezelS
— CTso (@cftso) March 19, 2016
Twizoo’s Techies Explain…
You’ve probably noticed on Twitter on the left hand side of your ‘Home’ page there’s a ‘Trends’ list. Twizoo has built the same thing, but solely for London restaurants. Our number crunching detects the rate of change of influential mentions on Twitter. For example, ‘Christmas’ is currently trending on Twitter, which means there’s been a spike of mentioning Christmas now compared with the rest of the year.
Applying this to Twizoo’s algorithms: if X restaurant usually gets on average 10 tweets per week, but this week it gets 32 tweets… that’s a pretty big change, so it’s a good indicator something notable is going on. The algorithm notes restaurants that have the highest rate of change and ranks them based on which places’ tweets are the most positive collectively and then it takes the top of those based on how influential the individuals are who tweeted. Simple see?
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