Amongst restaurants charging over £100 per head, above-inflation restaurant price hikes of 10.7% in London and 14.7% outside London are swelling a new tier of hyper-luxurious restaurants, increasingly out of reach even of relatively affluent diners out. That’s the conclusion of the new edition of Harden’s London Restaurants 2024 (published this week), as supplemented by […]

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6 March 2019 Exclusive “Celebration of Iceland” dinner at London’s #1 restaurant Harden’s invites you to a Celebration of Iceland dinner with Agnar Sverrisson, chef-patron of Texture, #1 rated for food in Harden’s 2019 survey Tickets are now on sale for an exciting one-off dinner at Texture in Marylebone celebrating Icelandic cuisine; we invite you to secure your place […]

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Alain Roux, chef-patron of Bray’s “glorious” Waterside Inn, and his father, the legendary chef and restaurateur Michel Roux, are set to launch a new restaurant in Edinburgh at The Balmoral during May. Alain will take up the position of signature chef at the brasserie and bar, which replaces Hadrian’s Brasserie and The Balmoral Bar. He currently retains […]

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Restaurant openings in east and south London flourished in the last 12 months, according to the latest, 27th edition of Harden’s London Restaurants published on 9 November. After central London, east London remains the capital’s prime area for restaurant openings, although almost as popular was south London this year (east had 39 debuts vs south’s […]

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Growth rate of independent London restaurant openings softens as baby ‘roll-outs’ gain ground • Marianne Lumb’s Marianne and The Araki win big in Harden’s survey • Ratings slip for Heston’s Dinner and Restaurant Gordon Ramsay • East London still where the action is… but South is catching up! The giddy pace of independent London restaurant […]

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