Simon Rogan has announced he will leave Fera, the restaurant he set up at Claridge’s in Mayfair three years ago, at the end of April. The restaurant’s current team will continue operating under head chef Matt Starling, a Rogan protégé. Meanwhile, Rogan is looking for permanent London premises to rehouse a revival of Roganic, the temporary restaurant […]

If you want to get your Valentine’s venue fixed, then our Top 10 Best for Romance list is a great place to start… so long as you began weeks ago, as the most famous passion magnets book up so far ahead. Perhaps your soul is too romantic and spontaneous for so much forward planning? In which case, here are […]
Simon Rogan is ending his two-restaurant association with the Midland Hotel in Manchester at the end of October, three years into a five-year contract. The French, the Midland’s landmark restaurant founded in 1903, will continue to be run by head chef Adam Reid, who was brought up in Manchester. It will be re-launched under his […]
Simon Rogan and the chefs from each of his award-winning UK restaurants- Adam Reid from Manchester’s The French, Tom Barnes from Cumbria’s L’Enclume, Dan Cox from London’s Fera at Claridge’s, and Marcus Noack, executive chef of Simon’s Umbel Restaurant Group – will each host a night to showcase their distinctive cooking styles at The French, […]
[huge_it_slider id=”5″] French haute cuisine, the wellspring from which culinary magic seems to flow across the world, has been sidelined of late in favour of rusticity, simplicity and (let’s face it) dirty great burgers. But can the classics ever truly go out of style? Surely we all just need a gentle reminder of France’s culinary […]
Simon Rogan will close his Manchester restaurant The French at the Midland Hotel in August in order to carry out a few upgrades. Among them is one that diners are sure to thank him – the addition of the restaurant’s own toilets (currently the dining room shares the hotel facilities). On top of that a […]
Simon Rogan, the golden boy of British fine dining, will not renew his agreement with Robinson Brewery to run the The Pig & Whistle pub in Cartmel, Cumbria. The chef – who launched Fera at Claridge’s last year (to universal praise in our survey), on top of his already stellar northern outposts The French in […]
Simon Rogan – the chef whose first London venture (Fera at Claridges) rocketed straight into our top 100 restaurants in the UK for 2014 – is to open two new restaurants this year. Speaking at the Hospitality Show in Birmingham the restaurateur behind the acclaimed L’Enclume in Cartmel and The French at Manchester’s Midland Hotel said he was […]