Top chefs including Asma Khan (pictured), Raymond Blanc, Phil Howard and Thomasina Miers have thrown their weight behind a new international campaign to encourage sustainable eating. Launching next week, One Planet Plates aims to serve 5 million sustainable meals this year through more than 2,000 participating restaurants of every type. The website lists restaurants […]

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The Wahaca chain of Mexican restaurants has admitted liability in a number of cases following an outbreak of the norovirus last year, and is expected to pay out five-figure damages to a number of customers, according to a report in the Evening Standard newspaper. About 360 customers and staff contracted the virus in the outbreak which […]

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Until 9 June “sociable” Mexican cantina chain Wahaca is inviting guests to try a beta version of its new summer menu. And showing just how sociable it is, Thomasina Miers’s restaurant group has asked diners to feedback their thoughts via twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #BetaEater. Social media response to the expanded selection of […]

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